275 Funny Cat Names That’ll Crack You Up

Cats are known for their diverse personalities, from the aloof and mysterious to the playful and cuddly. A funny name can perfectly encapsulate your cat’s unique character and the many joyful (and sometimes mischievous) moments you’ll share. These names are chosen not just for their humor but also for their ability to fit any cat’s personality, from the regal to the ridiculous.
Choosing a right name for your new feline friend is one of the first and most enjoyable tasks as a pet owner. If you’re looking to infuse a bit of humor into this process, consider a funny cat name that captures the quirky, endearing traits of your furry companion.
Funny Cat Names
Here’s a comprehensive list of 275 funny cat names guaranteed to bring a smile to anyone who hears them.
1. Food-Inspired
- Captain Crunch
- Taco Bella
- Jellybean
- Peanut Butter
- Sir Loin
- Purrmesan
- Meowtain Dew
- Whisker Biscuit
- Cheeto
- Baguette
2. Pop Culture Puns
- Fleas Witherspoon
- Cat Damon
- Pawdrey Hepburn
- Brad Kitt
- Cat Sajak
- Chairman Meow
- Fuzz Aldrin
- Kitty Perry
- Meowly Cyrus
- Furrari
3. Silly and Sassy
- Sir Pounce-a-lot
- Bing Clawsby
- Whispurr
- Cat Benatar
- Purrlock Holmes
- Santa Claws
- Catsup
- Gigabyte
- Clawdius
- Blinker
4. Just for Laughs
- Meowrice
- Hairball
- Catastrophe
- Ninja Assassin
- Kung Fu Kitty
- Agent 00Fur
- The Great Catsby
- Purrfessor X
- Catrick Swayze
- Cat-man-do
5. Adorably Absurd
- Snickerdoodle
- Fluffy Pants
- Bootsie Tootsie
- Fuzzy Wuzzy
- Doodlebug
- Wiggles
- Mr. Fluffernutter
- Butterscotch
- Muffin Man
- Googly Moogly
6. Clever Twists
- Meowsical
- Catillac
- Mewler
- Meowgi
- Paw Revere
- Furrnando
- Catzilla
- Purrloin
- Meowstermind
- Hissterical
7. Oddly Endearing
- Blimpy
- Cheezburger
- Napoleon
- Tootles
- Fiddlesticks
- Squiggle
- Purrple
- Bobble
- Fuzzbucket
- Sniffles
8. Randomly Ridiculous
- Boggle
- Ding Dong
- Doohickey
- Gizmo
- Woozy
- Squabble
- Zigzag
- Whippersnapper
- Jitterbug
- 10. Gobble
9. Delightfully Dorky
- Nibbler
- Squints
- Gobbles
- Blimp
- Boop
- Scooter
- Bumper
- Tinker
- Bobbles
- Slink
10. Wonderfully Weird
- Quibble
- Quirky
- Waffle
- Knobbly
- Gadget
- Widget
- Dabble
- Klutz
- Blip
- Twitch
11. Trademark Traits
- Scrambles
- Hobnob
- Mopsy
- Puddle
- Tippy
- Sneeze
- Muddle
- Noodle
- Dizzy
- Scoot
12. Technically Hilarious
- Byte
- Bug
- Pixel
- Cache
- Click
- Coder
- Hack
- Loop
- Pong
- Spam
13. Just Plain Silly
- Oops
- Goof
- Bumble
- Dingbat
- Kook
- Loopy
- Pipsqueak
- Zany
- Bonkers
- Clown
14. Musical Mews
- Piccolo
- Fiddle
- Banshee
- Maestro
- Riff
- Tempo
- Vibrato
- Sonata
- Lyric
- Chord
15. Playful Wordplay
- Whiskerbox
- Catapult
- Purrball
- Meowsers
- Catnipper
- Pawthor
- Mewmentum
- Clawdia
- Tabbytha
- Whispaw
16. Quirky Quotables
- Hissper
- Catpernicus
- Fluffernutter
- Pawcasso
- Meowsolini
- Catticus Finch
- Meowlliam Shakespeare
- Furrguson
- Whiskerton
- Purrnest Hemingway
17. Delightfully Dramatic
- Dramapaws
- Sir Purrsalot
- Lady Whiskerley
- Count Scratchula
- Madame Furbeline
- Duchess of Whiskers
- King Meowler
- Queen Catnip
- Baron Von Kittykat
- Princess Paws
18. Pop Culture Paws
- Pawdre Lorde
- Clawdia Schiffer
- Catrick Stewart
- Fleas Witherspoon
- Pawline Dion
- Meowly Ringwald
- Jude Paw
- Furry Potter
- Tailor Swift
- Katy Purry
19. Foodie Favorites
- Mocha
- Cinnapurr
- Pawsta
- Meowcaroni
- Purrpperoni
- Sushi
- Biscuit
- Tater Tot
- Nacho
- Meatball
20. Colorful Characters
- Bluebell
- Goldiepaws
- Greypoupon
- Ebony
- Redford
- Pinkerton
- Azure
- Ivory
- Scarlet
- Indigo
21. Nature and the Great Outdoors
- Breezy
- Meadow
- River
- Brook
- Forest
- Maple
- Sage
- Dune
- Cedar
- Sky
22. Sci-Fi and Fantasy
- Chewbacca
- Frodo
- Gandalf
- Nebula
- Orion
- Spock
- Yoda
- Zelda
- Merlin
- Thor
23. Mischievously Playful
- Whiskerdoom
- Pawdiddle
- Bandbox
- Jester
- Fiddlefurr
- Mirth
- Skedaddle
- Rumpus
- Mischief
- Fiasco
24. Silly and Sweet
- Snickers
- Twinkie
- Giggles
- Waffles
- Snuggles
- Gumdrop
- Pudding
- Taffy
- Nuzzle
- Cupcake
25. Eccentric and Unique
- Zigzag
- Quasar
- Espresso
- Vortex
- Kaleidoscope
- Puzzle
- Gizmo
- Quirk
- Tinker
- Boggle
26. Bizarre but Adorable
- Oogle
- Flubber
- Boodle
- Wobble
- Fidget
- Doodle
- Noodle
- Squiggle
- Boop
- Blink
27. Slightly Offbeat
- Zippy
- Bumper
- Scoot
- Dash
- Scurry
- Scuttle
- Zipper
- Bounce
- Pounce
- Flicker
28. Just for Fun
- Sillyputty
- Loopy
- Dizzy
- Quibble
- Fizzle
With these 275 funny cat names, you’re sure to find the perfect match that reflects your cat’s unique personality and maybe gives everyone a good laugh. Whether it’s a playful pun, a pop culture reference, or something whimsically wild, each of these names is sure to add a bit of joy and humor to the pet-naming process.