Custom Sobriety Chips: A Powerful Tool for Motivation and Reflection
Quitting substance use may be an easy decision to make. But for chronic alcohol or drug addicts, pursuing a life of sobriety can be incredibly daunting. That explains why relapse statistics are ever so high.
According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), about 90% of former chronic alcohol addicts will relapse at least once at some point in their lives. Numerous factors contribute to relapse, including constant exposure to alcohol cues, maintaining addicts in your circle, and a lack of motivation.
Fortunately, there’s a solution to each relapse trigger. In the case of low motivation, you may benefit immensely from custom sobriety chips.
Here’s a comprehensive guide to what custom chips constitute and why you should invest in them.

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What Are Custom Sobriety Chips?
Sobriety chips are small tokens issued to people who’ve abstained from alcohol or drugs, typically celebrating the period the recipient has managed to stay sober. They’re commonly available as coins or medallions.
Now, custom sobriety chips are basically recovery coins personalized to the recipient’s needs or style. There are multiple ways to customize recovery medallions, as you shall find later on.
Who Issues Custom Sobriety Chips?
Recovery coins are synonymous with AA and NA, so much so that most of these chips bear either initials.
AA stands for Alcoholics Anonymous. It refers to a global community of people who came together to discuss their drinking problem.
Members share useful tips on how chronic alcohol abusers can overcome their addiction and remain sober. And as the name implies, all conversations are held anonymously.
NA, on the other hand, initializes Narcotics Anonymous. The organization follows the same principle as AA, except that it caters to narcotics users.
Both AA and NA maintain programs for recovering addicts, in which participants receive tokens of appreciation celebrating their abstinence milestones.
However, the concept of sobriety chips is no longer unique to Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. These coins have since been incorporated into many recovery programs. That said, the medallions may still bear AA or NA initials, even if they’re unrelated to these addiction fellowships.

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Why Do You Need Custom Recovery Chips?
1. Symbol of Strength and Hope
Let’s face it – nothing is edifying about alcohol addiction.
Sure, you’ll have a good time with your drinking buddies as you reminisce about the passing day and make promises you certainly aren’t going to keep. But then what?
As intoxication begins to take hold of you, your moods and mannerisms change. You’re suddenly not the distinguished gentleman or cultured lady you were moments ago. Instead, you’re a beast that doesn’t mind spending the night in a ditch or picking silly fights with uninvolved bystanders.
Depending on the depth of your addiction, your social and professional lives may be damaged irreparably. Not to mention your dwindling bank account.
Such is a life of emptiness that no one desires to slip back into. But while years lost in alcoholism are irrecoverable, you can always anticipate a future filled with hope and promise.
Sobriety chips remind you of how far you’ve come and why you should never turn back. With these coins, you’ll be motivated to look forward to an alcohol-free future with optimism.
2. Badge of Honor
Abstaining from alcohol is anything but easy. It’s especially difficult if you are a chronic addict.
In recognition of the challenges faced by recovering people with an addiction, Alcoholics Anonymous coined AA chips as a badge of honor for every sobriety milestone achieved.
Whether you’ve been alcohol-free for a single day or three years, there’s a coin to celebrate your wins.
Custom sobriety medallions are remarkably gratifying. Although you may have struggled to stay sober in the meantime, receiving a recovery chip is a reminder that you’ve just accomplished a formidable task.
3. Nudge To Stay On the Straight And Narrow
Alcohol cues are ever present within our immediate environments.
When you’re not encountering a billboard advertisement on a major street promoting alcoholic beverages, you’re watching a television commercial advertising an event sponsored by a liquor company.
With alcohol cues present at every turn, your resolve to stay sober will occasionally be put to the test. But that’s where custom recovery medallions come in.
Sobriety chips symbolize your solemn commitment to stay clean. When the urge to relapse threatens to overwhelm you, simply glancing at your recovery coins can provide extra motivation to stay sober.
How to Customize Sobriety Coins
One exciting thing about recovery medallions is their ease of customization.
Incorporating them into clothing is an excellent way to personalize your sobriety chips. You could fashion the coins into embroidered badges or attach them to your clothing or bags.
You can also personalize your recovery medallions by adding them to your jewelry. From pendants to bracelets and brooches, there are several jewelry items where you can display your sobriety chips with pride.
Lastly, if you prefer to keep your sobriety coins stationery, you might consider displaying them on your trophy cabinet or office table.
Wrap Up
Custom sobriety chips can make a significant difference for recovering alcoholics who are struggling in their newfound lifestyle of abstinence. These tokens are a handy source of motivation when grappling with relapse urges.
However, note that the personal drive to stay sober comes from within. So, as you leverage the motivational power of custom recovery chips, strive to renew your commitment with each sobriety milestone achieved.