How Many Points Should Match for Marriage?

Marriage, the most auspicious event in a person’s life, lets a couple move forward through several stages of their lives. Our Hindu beliefs state that marriage binds spirits in addition to bodies. As a result, this is not something to take carelessly or rush into.
In India, marriage is only possible after the lady and man’s Kundali matching, or kundli milan, which guarantees a peaceful and prosperous married life.
To assess a couple’s compatibility, Vedic astrology employs kundali matching. An astrologer has to identify each of the 36 Gunas, or the matching’s eight sections known as Kootas, for the male and the female. This horoscope-matching technique is called Ashta Koota Milan. Let’s now investigate this procedure in more detail as well as the characteristics of a successful marriage.
Ashta Koota Milan
Eight tests make up this common kundali matching process, each of which examines a different element required for a happy marriage. Another name for this is “Gunn Milan.”
There are 36 gunas in all, or points, which are obtained by analyzing the kundli according to the eight categories. These gunas, or points, decide whether or not the union is compatible. Considering their respective weights, these eight categories have each been given a distinct score.
It is crucial to pay attention to the Moon’s position in each horoscope. Most Ashta Koota Milan analyses begin with the location and essential relationship of the moon. The more compatible their moon signs are, the more likely it is that they will have a happy marriage. Additionally, Kundali Matching for Marriage can help you better understand these issues if you are having trouble understanding them.
The Ashta Koot matchmaking system has a worldwide approach, however there are some differences among regions. This system has some little differences in how points are selected across North and South India. Different astrologers around the country may also employ different criteria, leading to a variety of scores. There are additional categories of matching like Ashta Koota Milan, including Deergha Koota, Veda Koota, Mahendra Koota, and Rajju Koota.
Points for A Kundli Match
A pair with fewer than 18 points – is considered unlucky. Generally speaking, you should consider marriage twice before getting married. Alternatively, they are advised to compensate for their low score with astrological remedies.
Between 18 and 24 points – This range indicates a strong fit, and agreeing to the marriage proposal can make the couple stronger.
24 to 32 points – What people are chasing is this score. The marriage should be happy and satisfying.
32 to 36 points – This pairing is seen to be the luckiest one and provides for a very happy and fulfilled married life.
Analyzing 8 Gunas
This feature summarizes a husband’s amount of control over his spouse. In other words, it decides who will be the more powerful and controlling spouse. The test’s result would indicate to the astrologer which individual will be a more dominant mate. Individuals are classified into five groups depending on the level of dislike indicated by their kundli: Manav, Jalachar, Vanchar, Chatuspad, and Keet.
Taara is a nakshatra that predicts future events involving luck. It is an important guna with three points. Moreover, this guna takes into account the interrelationships of the Janam nakshatra.
Yoni, which determines a couple’s physical compatibility, is one of the most important aspects of marital compatibility. There is a minimum of 0 points and a maximum of 4. Numerous animal names serve as symbols for it, and every category has been assigned points.
Graha Maitri
Graha Maitri represents the planetary body that governs Janam Rashi and its nice traits. It shows the degree of love, friendship, and mental compatibility between the pair. It is important because it dictates how well the couple will get along after being married.
Gana is a symbol of the habits and actions of a married pair. Moreover, it is split into the Manushya, Devata, and Rakshasa types and is awarded six points.
The Bhakut looks at the family’s well-being and post-marriage financial performance. It might earn you up to seven points. The Bhakoot represents connection and affection. Additionally, avoid unions involving Zero Bhakoot.
Nadi determines the health of children (progeny). In addition, it highlights the couple’s biological and genetic links. Remember that the Nadi is the most important component, and if there isn’t one, marriage needs to be avoided at all costs.
Now that you know all about kundli, you understand how crucial it is for a good marriage. So, employ this knowledge precisely. Additionally, if you have any queries, don’t be scared to speak with an astrologer.